Pre-Entry Assessment for student 1/2023 Round 1
Good News for those who are interested in this program.
To help you evaluate ahead of time - your eligibility for the program as well as your opportunity to get a scholar. Learn more about it here : CMU Presidential Scholarship (PS) and Teaching Assistants/Research Assistants (TA/RA)
Learn from a TA/RA scholarship recipient here
We open this special assessment in order to help you with qualification evaluation, document preparation, and early advice regarding the application for the Round 1 application to be opened between Tue 15th Nov 2022 - Sun 15th Jan 2023. You will have an opportunity to receive advice and recommendation to increase opportunity to get accepted.
Please submit the following documents
1. Completed application form Application for Pre-Entry Assessment iMMH -------> (updated on September 2023)
2. English test score for non-native English speaker
English competencies (according to the CMU Graduate School announcement 2021)
English score for Presidential scholarships
3. Your transcript
and send all documents to for our assessment and suggestions